Foreign Data Wrappers

Multicorn is bundled with a small set of Foreign Data Wrappers, which you can use or customize for your needs.

SQLAlchemy Foreign Data Wrapper

Class: multicorn.sqlalchemyfdw.SqlAlchemyFdw

Source code: multicorn/


This fdw can be used to access data stored in a remote RDBMS. Through the use of sqlalchemy, many different rdbms engines are supported.


You will need the sqlalchemy library, as well as a suitable dbapi driver for the remote database.

You can find a list of supported RDBMs, and their associated dbapi drivers and connection strings in the sqlalchemy dialects documentation.

Required options

db_url (string)

An sqlalchemy connection string. Examples:

See the sqlalchemy dialects documentation. for documentation.

tablename (string)

The table name in the remote RDBMS.

Allowed options

primary_key (string)

Identifies a column which is a primary key in the remote RDBMS. This options is required for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations.

When defining the table, the local column names will be used to retrieve the remote column data. Moreover, the local column types will be used to interpret the results in the remote table. Sqlalchemy being aware of the differences between database implementations, it will convert each value from the remote database to python using the converter inferred from the column type, and convert it back to a postgresql suitable form.

What does it do to reduce the amount of fetched data?

Usage example

For a connection to a remote mysql database (you’ll need a mysql dbapi driver, such as pymysql):

CREATE SERVER alchemy_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
    wrapper 'multicorn.sqlalchemyfdw.SqlAlchemyFdw'

create foreign table mysql_table (
  column1 integer,
  column2 varchar
) server alchemy_srv options (
  tablename 'table',
  db_url 'mysql://myuser:mypassword@myhost/mydb'

CSV Foreign Data Wrapper

Class: multicorn.csvfdw.CsvFdw

Source code: multicorn/


This fdw can be used to access data stored in CSV files. Each column defined in the table will be mapped, in order, against columns in the CSV file.


No dependency outside the standard python distribution.

Required options

filename (string)

The full path to the CSV file containing the data. This file must be readable to the postgres user.

Allowed options

delimiter (character)

The CSV delimiter (defaults to ,).

quotechar (character)

The CSV quote character (defaults to ").

skip_header (integer)

The number of lines to skip (defaults to 0).

Usage example

Supposing you want to parse the following CSV file, located in /tmp/test.csv:


You can declare the following table:

CREATE SERVER csv_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
    wrapper 'multicorn.csvfdw.CsvFdw'

create foreign table csvtest (
       year numeric,
       make character varying,
       model character varying,
       length numeric
) server csv_srv options (
       filename '/tmp/test.csv',
       skip_header '1',
       delimiter ',');

select * from csvtest;
 year |  make   | model  | length
 1997 | Ford    | E350   |   2.34
 2000 | Mercury | Cougar |   2.38
(2 lines)

FileSystem Foreign Data Wrapper

Class: multicorn.fsfdw.FilesystemFdw

Source code: multicorn/fsfdw/


This fdw can be used to access data stored in various files, in a filesystem. The files are looked up based on a pattern, and parts of the file’s path are mapped to various columns, as well as the file’s content itself.


No dependency outside the standard python distribution.

Required options

root_dir (string)

The base directory from which the pattern is evaluated. The files in this directory should be readable by the PostgreSQL user. Ex: /var/www/.

pattern (string)

A pattern defining which files to match, and wich parts of the file path are used as columns. A column name between braces defines a mapping from a path part to a column. Ex: {artist}/{album}/{trackno} - {trackname}.ogg.

Allowed options

content_column (string)

If set, defines which column will contain the actual file content.

filename_column (string)

If set, defines which column will contain the full filename.

Usage Example

Supposing you want to access files in a directory structured like this:

            01 - title1.ogg
            02 - title2.ogg
            01 - title1.ogg
            02 - title2.ogg
            01 - title1.ogg
            02 - title2.ogg
            01 - title1.ogg
            02 - title2.ogg

You can access those files using a foreign table like this:

CREATE SERVER filesystem_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
    wrapper 'multicorn.fsfdw.FilesystemFdw'

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE musicfilesystem (
    artist  character varying,
    album   character varying,
    track   integer,
    title   character varying,
    content bytea,
    filename character varying
) server filesystem_srv options(
    root_dir    'base_dir',
    pattern     '{artist}/{album}/{track} - {title}.ogg',
    content_column 'content',
    filename_column 'filename')


SELECT count(track), artist, album from musicfilesystem group by artist, album;
 count | artist  | album
     2 | artist1 | album2
     2 | artist1 | album1
     2 | artist2 | album2
     2 | artist2 | album1
(4 lines)

SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper

The sqlite foreign data wrapper has been removed in favor of the more general sqlalchemy foreign data wrapper.

Imap Foreign Data Wrapper

Class: multicorn.imapfdw.ImapFdw

Source code: multicorn/


This fdw can be used to access mails from an IMAP mailbox. Column names are mapped to IMAP headers, and two special columns may conain the mail payload and its flags.



Required options

host (string)

The IMAP host to connect to.


The IMAP host port to connect to.


The login to connect with.


The password to connect with.

The login and password options should be set as a user mapping options, so as not to be stored in plaintext. See the create user mapping documentation.

Allowed options

payload_column (string)

The name of the column which will store the payload.

flags_column (string)

The name of the column which will store the IMAP flags, as an array of strings.

ssl (boolean)

Whether to use ssl or not

imap_server_charset (string)

The name of the charset used for IMAP search commands. Defaults to UTF8. For the cyrus IMAP server, it should be set to utf-8.

Server side filtering

The imap fdw tries its best to convert postgresql quals into imap filters.

The following quals are pushed to the server:

These conditions are matched against the headers, or the body itself.

The imap FDW will fetch only what is needed by the query: you should thus avoid requesting the payload_column if you don’t need it.

RSS Foreign Data Wrapper

Class: multicorn.rssfdw.RssFdw

Source code: multicorn/


This fdw can be used to access items from an rss feed. The column names are mapped to the elements inside an item. An rss item has the following strcture:

  <description>Small description</description>

You can access every element by defining a column with the same name. Be careful to match the case! Example: pubDate should be quoted like this: pubDate to preserve the uppercased D.


You will need the lxml library.

Required options

url (string)

The RSS feed URL.

Usage Example

If you want to parse the radicale rss feed, you can use the following definition:

CREATE SERVER rss_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
    wrapper 'multicorn.rssfdw.RssFdw'

    "pubDate" timestamp,
    description character varying,
    title character varying,
    link character varying
) server rss_srv options (
    url     ''

select "pubDate", title, link from radicalerss limit 10;
       pubDate       |              title               |                     link
 2011-09-27 06:07:42 | Radicale 0.6.2                   |
 2011-08-28 13:20:46 | Radicale 0.6.1, Changes, Future  |
 2011-08-01 08:54:43 | Radicale 0.6 Released            |
 2011-07-02 20:13:29 | Feature Freeze for 0.6           |
 2011-05-01 17:24:33 | Ready for WSGI                   |
 2011-04-30 10:21:12 | Apple iCal Support               |
 2011-04-25 22:10:59 | Two Features and One New Roadmap |
 2011-04-10 20:04:33 | New Features                     |
 2011-04-02 12:11:37 | Radicale 0.5 Released            |
 2011-02-03 23:35:55 | Jabber Room and iPhone Support   |
(10 lignes)

LDAP Foreign Data Wrapper

Class: multicorn.ldapfdw.LdapFdw

Source code: multicorn/


This fdw can be used to access directory servers via the LDAP protocol. Tested with OpenLDAP. It supports: simple bind, multiple scopes (subtree, base, etc)


If using Multicorn >= 1.1.0, you will need the ldap3 library.

For prior version, you will need the ldap library.

Required options

uri (string)

The URI for the server, for example ldap://localhost.

path (string)

The base in which the search is performed, for example dc=example,dc=com.

objectclass (string)

The objectClass for which is searched, for example inetOrgPerson.

scope (string)

The scope: one, sub or base.

Optional options

binddn (string)

The binddn for example cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com.

bindpwd (string)

The credentials for the binddn.

Usage Example

To search for a person definition:

CREATE SERVER ldap_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
    wrapper 'multicorn.ldapfdw.LdapFdw'

    mail character varying,
    cn character varying,
    description character varying
) server ldap_srv options (
    uri 'ldap://localhost',
    path 'dc=lab,dc=example,dc=com',
    scope 'sub',
    binddn 'cn=Admin,dc=example,dc=com',
    bindpwd 'admin',
    objectClass '*'

select * from ldapexample;
         mail          |        cn      |    description
-----------------------+----------------+--------------------      | test           |     | admin          | LDAP administrator  | Some Test User |
(3 rows)